Super Turmeric Combo

Natural Inflammation Health Secrets Rediscovered

  • How would you like to sleep soundly at night, free from joint, ligament, neck, and back pain?
  • Wouldn't it be great to spring out of bed in the morning like a 21-year-old college athlete?
  • How about having your bathroom medicine cupboard totally empty and uncluttered from pain pills? 
  • What if you never had to worry about joints deteriorating further with age? 

If this sounds appealing, then keep reading…

GET 50% off today!

Super Turmeric Combo

Dear Reader,

Before resorting  to harmful drugs or even surgery for joint pain and inflammation,


Because, if you keep reading, you will discover a completely natural herbal support for joint stiffness, swelling and pain, which could offer relief without  the drastic measures  that my clients had to go through.

Back when I was helping my clients who suffered from immobility, it was my life's mission to help them find relief from:

  • Difficulty moving and completing day-to-day tasks…getting dressed, walking, housework, gardening, shopping, even working your job
  • Dependence on synthetic pain medications which can lead to addiction and side-effects
  • Muscular pain and tenderness
  • Impaired sleep due to excruciating pain
  • Stiffness—especially in the mornings and cold weather
  • Inflamed, swollen and red joint
  • Back pain
  • Numbness and tingling in your fingers and toes
  • Surgery
  • Pain medication, including the highly-addictive opiates

Here's How These became a Thing of The Past

Well, in 2012, Scientists at the Baylor University Medical Centre in Texas made the unbelievable discovery that the active ingredient in our Super Turmeric Combo, is more effective in relieving symptoms of arthritis than the non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) Voltaren…

…and the good news doesn’t stop there…it did this without the terrible side-effects that come with most NSAIDs!

HOW it works

Super Turmeric Combo’s active ingredient works by blocking the body’s inflammatory pathways. It prevents the body from producing a particular protein, NF-kB, which causes pain and swelling.[i]

Studies have demonstrated that it can influence over 700 genes, and prevent excessive activity and production of a number of enzymes that can cause inflammation, including cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX).

This has been shown scientifically to have a significant effect on levels of pain, mobility and inflammation experienced by sufferers of both Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Many patients who take Super Turmeric Combo’s active ingredient report a significant improvement in their levels of comfort.

Some have been able to cancel painful surgeries or stop taking harmful NSAID drugs that, before discovering Super Turmeric Combo, they relied upon daily.


Super Turmeric Combo

WARNING: Never take this again...

Did you know that there are actually over one hundred different side-effects associated with NSAID use? [ii] Just some of these include:

  • Cardiovascular problems—including an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and high blood pressure
  • Bad gastrointestinal health—including stomach ulcers, intestinal bleeding and heartburn
  • Liver or kidney damage
  • Hearing loss
  • Miscarriage
  • Increased risk of excess bleeding or hemorrhaging
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • …even DEATH![iii]

Isn’t it great to know that there’s an all-natural solution that is both safe and effective? A solution that will help your health, not harm it? For some, it is literally a life-saver!

“We put together this product in response to a growing demand for natural solutions to arthritis, joint pain and bodily inflammation. People are becoming aware of the negative side-effects of NSAIDs and trying to avoid them. We knew we had a great product, but the demand for PRODUCT is exceeding even our expectations. Not only is it safer than NSAIDs, but it is completely natural, with scientifically-proven ingredients.” –Stephen Mocko, owner and herbalist of Aussie Herb Store

Some Very Impressive Results…

A closer look at Super Turmeric Combo shows that perhaps we should not have been surprised at the strong demand for the product. So many customers are wanting to buy Super Turmeric Combo, and for good reason.

To start with, the main active ingredient in Super Turmeric Combo, Turmeric, is one of the most intensely-studied nutrients.
Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years for both its culinary and medicinal benefits.

In Study After Study, It Has Performed Just As Well As, Or Better Than, Harmful NSAIDs.

Most patients who take SUPER TURMERIC COMBO begin to notice a difference in their levels of pain, inflammation and stiffness in a matter of weeks, and many in just days!

As if that wasn’t good enough, Curcumin has been shown to offer the following benefits:

  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-mutagenic
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Anti-bacterial
  • And anti-fungal properties.[iv]
  • Provide protection against damage caused by free radicals.[v]

The Benefits Don’t Stop at Curcumin, Though…

Now, I know that after discovering how life-changing Turmeric can be for sufferers of arthritis, you are probably tempted to scroll down and order yourself some right away.

But wait just a minute. You see, our product is called Super Turmeric Combo for a reason. We’ve taken it a step further…six steps further, to be exact.


Super Turmeric Combo

Here’s What Some Happy Customers Have to Say:


“What a difference after using for only 2/3 weeks, almost pain free in a morning now after years of waking up to joint pain and stiffness”


“I am sleeping better because I am not waking to turn in the night to relieve hip pain. Pain in knee has decreased and fingers are also less painful”


“I had severe hip pain, pain in the elbow and one thumb. After only 3 days all pain is gone except the hip but it is barely noticeable. I don't recall ever taking any med that was so effective and so fast.”


“Had a flare up in my wrists and decided to stay away from painkillers as i did not want side effects. It worked very well and will always use it.”


“Ankle injury has led to arthritis. Pain levels sometimes as high as 9-10 out of 10 (can’t walk) down by 80% plus. No need to take 1600mg per day of over counter pain killers.”


Like Turmeric, they have been used for thousands of years due to their health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties.
When added together, not only do they complement Turmeric’s results, but they MAGNIFY them!

The First Has Been Used for So Long, It Was One of The Gifts the Wise Men Gave to Baby Jesus Over 2,000 Years Ago…

…and, to this day, it continues to be truly a gift to arthritis sufferers.

“The resin from the trunk of Boswellia trees contains anti-inflammatory substances," –Professor Dr. Oliver Werz of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Frankincense comes from the Boswellia tree. Its active ingredient is Bowsellic Acid, and, in particular, acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA). Boswellic Acid is found in the Boswellia tree’s resin.

Also like Turmeric and its active ingredient, Turmeric, AKBA has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, as it interferes with the process of inflammation in the body.

This is due to its ability to inhibit an inflammatory mediator called 5-lipoxgenase.

So what makes 5-lipoxgenase so destructive? Well it turns out that its presence in the body triggers a series of disastrous responses, including:

  • The production of cancer-causing free-radicals
  • Loss of calcium
  • The migration of inflammation-causing cells to inflamed sites in the body
  • Pain and swelling in arthritis patients.

5-lipoxgenase is also responsible for creating a chemical called Prostaglandin E2, which plays a big role in immune response and inflammation related to fevers and pain. By blocking 5-lipoxgenase, AKBA is able to reduce inflammation significantly.

Frankincense Resin Has Been Scientifically Proven To Reduce Pain and Improve Function Of Arthritis Sufferers, Quite Significantly.

One study found that after three months, Frankincense Resin had slowed cartilage damage in Arthritis sufferers.[vi]

Another study found that Frankincense Resin resulted in reduced knee pain and swelling, with an increase in knee flexibility and distance patients were able to walk!

Frankincense Resin has also been found to have the following properties:

  • Analgesic—can bring relief to painful and inflamed joints
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Anti-atherosclerotic—can prevent the occurrence of blocked arteries
  • Anti-hyperlipidaemic—monitors lipid levels in the blood
  • Hepato-protective—provides protection for the liver


Super Turmeric Combo

The Third Marvelous Ingredient in Our Super Turmeric Combo Is Actually In  The Same Family as Turmeric.

It is arguably the world’s oldest medicinal herb, with references to its use dating back to as long as 5,000 years!

Chances are that you have some sitting in your spice rack, or possibly even your fridge.

Yes, I’m talking about Ginger!

Just some things Ginger is used for are:

  • Preventing atherosclerosis
  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Aiding digestion
  • Relieving or preventing nausea
  • Increasing metabolic function to assist with weight management
  • Promote healthy circulation and blood flow
  • Achieving a healthy blood pressure
  • Maintaining steady blood sugar levels
  • …and, you guessed it, reducing inflammation to promote good joint health!

Scientists have been interested in Ginger’s potential as an arthritis treatment. And what they have found is nothing short of breathtaking!

Study after study has shown that Ginger provides significant relief from joint pain in arthritis sufferers.

Recently, scientists at the University of Miami concluded that Ginger has exciting potential as a key treatment for joint pain.

They conducted a double-blind study comparing ginger to a placebo in 261 Osteoarthritis sufferers. They found that Ginger helped to promote joint comfort by 40% more than the placebo did, in just a matter of weeks! [vii]

Like Curcumin, which can influence over 700 genes, Ginger switches off genes that cause age-related inflammation.

The most powerful of these is a molecule called Nuclear Factor-kappa beta (NF-kB).

Think of NF-kB as the body’s inflammation control centre, which activates more than 400 of the body’s inflammation genes.

Amazingly, Ginger, and its relative, Turmeric, has the power to shut down this ‘control centre’, and dramatically reduce inflammation all through the body!

These Two Herbs Work Together to Reverse The Leading Cause of Age-Related Inflammation.

Another study, lasting 12 weeks, compared Ginger to a placebo in knee Osteoarthritis sufferers.

At the beginning of the study, there was no difference in inflammation levels between the Ginger and placebo groups. However, by the end of the study, the Ginger group saw a reduction in inflammatory markers compared to the placebo.

From this, researchers concluded that Ginger “…can be recommended as a suitable supplement” for Osteoarthritis sufferers.[viii]

But not only does Ginger “turn off” genes responsible for age-related inflammation, it has an anti-oxidant effect. Ginger breaks down pre-existing inflammation in joint fluid, AND provides some pain relief.

Just think…all of this without the harmful side-effects of NSAID drugs!

But Because We Want to Give You the Very Best That Nature Has to Offer, We’ve Added Yet Another Pain-Busting Herb!

I’m sure you know of Aspirin. After all, it’s the oldest synthetic analgesic on the market. Well What you might not know, though is that this next herb in our Super Turmeric Combo is where Aspirin came from.

White Willow Bark contains a compound called Salicylic Acid, which has been used even since Ancient Egypt for its pain-relieving properties.

Then, in 1853, a chemist called Charles Frederic Gerhardt treated the compound acetyl chloride with sodium salicylate.

The result was a compound called acetylsalicylic acid. This led to the creation of the drug Aspirin, in 1899.

Aspirin is one of the most common drugs prescribed to joint pain sufferers. But with it, comes a plethora of dangerous side-effects that your doctor might not tell you about.

Aspirin is one of the most common NSAIDS, but can cause the following horrifying health problems:

  • Bruising or bleeding, including stomach or intestinal bleeding
  • Difficulty hearing or ringing in the ears
  • Kidney or liver damage
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tiredness or dizziness
  • Black stools
  • Chronic stomach pain
  • Slurred speech
  • Vision changes
  • Severe headaches
  • Serious allergic reactions
  • Cardiovascular problems

Taking an NSAID like Aspirin also puts you at risk of other health problems…did you know, for example, that it can increase your risk of serious gastrointestinal problems, including stomach ulcers, by 33%?

They can also make you prone to life-threatening heart attacks.

Is It Just Me, Or Is A Natural Alternative to Aspirin Sounding Better and Better?

Well here’s some great news for you.

Salicylic acid, the active ingredient of White Willow Bark, has analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-pyretic (able to reduce fevers), and anti-inflammatory properties.

When taken orally, the liver converts the White Willow Bark to Salicylic acid, with one major advantage over taking Aspirin: fewer adverse side-effects. [ix]

Scientists have discovered that extracts of White Willow Bark are effective in relieving chronic lower back pain, joint pain and Osteoarthritis pain.

In one double-blind study, researchers looked at stiffness and physical function. A significant difference was observed in both of these areas in patients taking the White Willow Bark over the placebo group.

In only 2 weeks, there was a 14% reduction from baseline levels, compared with a 2% increase in the placebo group! [x]

Another study looked at Osteoarthritis sufferers with neck or lower back pain. It turns out that those receiving the White Willow Bark experienced significant improvement in their symptoms in comparison to the placebo group.[xi]

With such fantastic results, you’d be crazy to risk taking Aspirin to manage your arthritis!

…And Just Because We Can, We’ve Added a Fifth Powerful Herb!

You’d be forgiven if you haven’t heard of this one, but Devil’s Club Root, also known as Alaskan Ginseng, is included in our Super Turmeric Combo due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-tussive, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer[xii] and hypoglycaemic properties. [xiii].

As well as being used for arthritis, rheumatism and immune disorders, it has been used for conditions such as diabetes, cancer, influenza, measles. In fact, the Aborigines of the Pacific have used this herb for over 34 different medical conditions![xiv]

Not only is Devil’s Club Root a wonderful herb to take for arthritis management, but for overall good health too!


Super Turmeric Combo

And Last, But Definitely Not Least…

Is a herb that you have heard of, and probably even use everyday. It has been used as a culinary and medicinal herb for centuries, particularly in Asia and South America.

And that final herb is Black Peppercorn.

Black Pepper's active ingredient is Peperine. Peperine has powerful analgesic properties, and has been used for both Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis[xv] , muscle pain, joint pain, post-surgery pain, nerve pain and lower back pain.

On top of this, it has the following benefits:

  • Promotes good circulation and heart health
  • Reduces acidity
  • Aids digestion
  • Stops cramping
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Prevents blood clots
  • Relieves migraines
  • Increases metabolism and aids weight loss
  • Fights infections such as colds and flus
  • High levels of Vitamin A and E
  • Anti-allergenic

Cayenne is thought to relieve pain by depleting the body’s supply of a compound known as Substance P. Substance P is a chemical component of nerve cells which transmits pain signals to the brain. It makes sense, then, that lowering the amount of Substance P in the body means less pain for you, more flexibility, better stamina, and increased quality of life!

Super Turmeric Combo: Offering Hope to Joint Pain Sufferers…Naturally

Amazing—What You Get in Every Single Pill. With every dose of our Super Turmeric Combo, you get:

Turmeric  with its anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Frankincense Resin  with its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-hyperlipidaemic and hepato-protective properties

Ginger root  with its anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, anti-atherosclerosis, cholesterol-lowering, nausea-relieving, blood pressure-balancing, blood sugar-regulating, digestive-aiding, circulation-promoting, and metabolic-increasing properties

White Willow Bark  with its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-pyretic properties, with FAR FEWER side effects compared to its synthetic form, Aspirin

Devil’s Club Root  with its anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-tussive, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer and hypoglycaemic properties.

Black Peppercorn  because the famous study by St. John's University showed this boosted turmerics absorption rate by a staggering 2000%.

It Seems That There’s Nothing These Seven Herbs Can’t Do for Your Body Between Them…No Health Concerns They Can’t Address…No Results They Can’t Deliver!

This is true of Turmeric alone. But to boost its power and complement all that it does, we have added in six more herbs, each with an unbelievable list of properties. So, take advantage of this amazing product now.


Super Turmeric Combo

Just have a look at what our customers are saying about Super Turmeric Combo:

Juliana P. (NSW)

"My dog and I take it daily and have been for 18 months. She’s not needed knee surgery after being on this to help her joint pain & arthritis."*

D. Martin-Davidson (Leichhardt, AU)

"When using a quality product you certainly see results. Especially for inflammation purposes. Also great that we can now purchase from an Australian family owned business."*

Alison Freemon ( California Gully, Vic)

"OH my goodness. I’m loving this product. I suffer with debilitating 24/7 Fibromyalgia and chronic pain. I’ve been using this tonic for a few weeks now and I promise without exaggeration it’s life changing for me. I couple it with Mountain Nutrition and I’m bit by bit gaining my life back. Doing more. And recovery from physical exercise or stress is improving daily. I highly recommend this."*

Jenny Thompson (Waterloo Corner, AU)

"This has changed my life. Every morning I would wake up in pain from arthritis, all over my body and now I have very little pain. It is so good to be able to move through my day with no pain killers, and to do things I struggled with before. I was taking turmeric capsules, but that did not seem to help so I was skeptic as to whether this product would assist, so my pure delight that my pain is so decreased is very pleasing."*

Our 90-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee: If it doesn't work you don't pay!

That’s right—you can try our Super Turmeric Combo totally risk-free. If you’re not happy with the results, you can give us a call within the first 90 days, and we will return every last penny you spent.

Just return the bottles you have, even if empty.

That’s how confident we are in our product.

As we said earlier, though, demand for this product has far exceeded our expectations. We have sold far more than we anticipated, so only have a limited supply left.

And since our Super Turmeric Combo is 100% guaranteed or your money back, why mess around?

I can’t promise that I will have another shipment between now and the next three months…it really is a no-brainer…order now—don’t delay!

I really want you to take advantage of this offer, and join the thousands of happy customers who are finding welcoming relief to their arthritis symptoms using a completely natural method, and without the side effects of standard arthritis treatments!

But You Won’t KNOW That If You Don’t TRY It…

I have a hunch that Super Turmeric Combo is the one thing that you’re missing right now, even if you’re taking other supplements. EVEN if you have a great diet and exercise program already in place!

We’re willing to offer such a guarantee because our mission is to help people like you get back to optimal and thriving health…

And potentially use you as a case study or testimonial.

(If you choose to. You won’t be under any obligation to tell us anything.)

Once we can (hopefully) share a bunch more success stories, we can then send people to our other not-so-secret link and easily sell it at full price.

Click on the yellow button that says ‘ORDER NOW’ to lock in your discounted price today for only $35.99.

You can expect an amazing experience with Super Turmeric Combo, just like it has for so many others who chose to order as well:

Just Imagine: Hopping out of bed every morning ready to take on the day's task with complete mobility.

Never having to pop any more of those harmful medications.

Living in hope and love, and feeling more vibrant than you ever thought possible since you were young.

YET:  All this could be true,  simply by choosing to take action today, and jump-start our Turmeric Total Boost Formula...

Everything will change for the better…

Imagine, right now, how it feels the moment you KNOW you’ve finally found your answer to enjoying life and youthful mobility:

You feel alive…

Full of hope and optimism…

You are living the active lifestyle, and enjoying every second of it…

You are experiencing everything you deserve – at long last!

It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about magic miracle pills and quick-fix solutions…

The junk vitamins that are filled with additives that don’t work…

Not to mention all those false promises no one stands behind…

Finally transform all the ‘flare ups’, and jump-start erasing away joint pain

Try Super Turmeric Combo for 90 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!

Let this powerful Turmeric that contains superb quality herbs and black pepper go to work on your pain and health challenges…

...and watch it change your life quickly and practically effortlessly.
It’s no longer even a question of ‘want’ - you NEED Turmeric Total Boost, and now you just have to take action before it’s too late.

Make sure you do the SMART thing… the ONLY smart thing to do…

Take advantage of this limited-time offer, while you still can… And get on the fast track to ‘Youthful Body’ success using one of the smartest, safest ways for bettering your health on the planet… Don’t wait, order now and I’ll see you on the other side!



Scientific References:

[i] Arthritis and Rheumatism November 2006; 54(11): 3452-3464



[iv] Engels G. Turmeric. HerbalGram. 2009;84:1-3. American Botanical Council.

[v] Kulkarni RR, Patki PS, Jog VP, et al. Treatment of osteoarthritis with a herbomineral formulation: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. J Ethnopharmacol 1991;33:91-5.

[vi] Sengupta K, Alluri KV, Satish AR,et al. A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of 5-LOXIN for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Res Ther. 2008;10(4):R85.

[vii] Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Nov;44(11):2531-8.

[viii] Naderi Z, et al. Effect of ginger powder supplementation on nitric oxide and C-reactive protein in elderly knee osteoarthritis patients: A 12-week double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Tradit Complement Med. 2015 Jan 28;6(3):199-203.

[ix] Natural Standard. Willow bark.

[x] Efficacy and tolerability of a standardized willow bark extract in patients with osteoarthritis: randomized placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trialB Schmid; R Lüdtke; H-K Selbmann; I Kötter; B Tschirdewahn; W Schaffner; L Heide; 8 June 2001

[xi] Uehleke B, Muller J, Stange R, Kelber O, Melzer J. Willow bark extract STW 33-I in the long-term treatment of outpatients with rheumatic pain mainly osteoarthritis or back pain. Phytomedicine. 2013;20(11):980-4.


[xiii] Smith GW. Arctic pharmacognosia II. Devil’s club, Oplopanax horridus . J Ethnopharmacol . 1983;7:313-320.

[xiv] Lantz TC, Swerhun K, Turner NJ. Devil’s club (Oplopanax horridus): An ethnobotanical review. HerbalGram. 2004;62:33–48.

[xv] Laslett LL, Jones G. Capsaicin for osteoarthritis pain. Prog Drug Res. 2014;68:277-91.

* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Remember to read all labels, check all ingredients and follow all directions before using any products.

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