Herbs have been helpful since ancient times. They have been admired for their pleasant smell and how they add flavor to what we eat and drink. Above that, they are best used as medicines for common health conditions. One of these helpful herbal plants that we tackled was Elderberry (Sambucus …
Do Elderberry, Here’s Why
Elder (Sambucus nigra), is an indigenous bushy shrub that can grow up to 12 feet high. It is widely grown across all parts of the United States and Canada. It has star-shaped white fragrant flowers and purple-black berries with three or four round seeds. Elders are known for their satisfying …
Here’s How to Get Started With Your Herbal Gardening Plan
How To Get Started With Herb Gardening Herb gardening is one of the most advantageous and relaxing types of gardening. Medicinal plants are absolutely useful, therefore, there’s a lot of people who wanted to start growing one. But there is so much to consider when planning to set up your …
10 Ways To Stay Safe From the Coronuvirus
You’d have to have been living in a cave to have escaped the media hype about the Coronavirus in recent weeks. Heck, I don’t even own a TV, and I feel like news of this disease is bombarding me from all sides. It seems like every year or two, …
Sun Phobia or Heliophobia – What You Need to Know
Some people fear the sun not because they are vampires. They are afraid because they have heliophobia or the fear of the sun, sunlight or any bright light. They stay away from sunlight because they have a growing fear of skin cancer or blindness. Eventually, they develop a fear of …
Explore the Many Benefits of Aloe Vera as “the Wands of Heaven”
Almost everyone is familiar with the evergreen perennial aloe vera. Often referred to as a wonder plant, the short-stemmed shrub of the genus Aloe, has more than 500 species of succulent flowering plants that originate from the Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the …
New Year, New You: How to Keep Yourself Healthy
Everyone is looking forward to the New Year with positives vibes. And the best thing anyone can do is to start the year (and the decade) right with by keeping healthy. You have the opportunity to recommit to your health and well-being if you were not able to practice correct …
Oats: The Underestimated Ingredient in Fighting Cancer and Other Deadly Illnesses
Many people who eat oats for breakfast do it because they love the taste. Others love the fact that it keeps them full for hours. Most, however, don’t fully appreciate just how good a bowl of oatmeal is for their health and wellness. Through the years, oatmeal’s popularity as a …
Are Carbs Bad For Your Weight Loss Goals? Absolutely Not!
Nowadays, it seems like people, especially those who are into dieting, are really concerned about carbs. But is it something that we should really be worried about? For the longest time, many people have been made to believe that dairy is essential in promoting or maintaining bone health. BUT it …
The Inevitable Truth About Colonoscopy… It’s a Scam!
A colonoscopy is a test primarily designed to diagnose bowel cancer. Americans who are 50 to 74 years old with average bowel cancer risk are often urged to take the test. To perform a colonoscopy, a small tube with a camera on the end is inserted into the anus. It …
Microplastics in 93% of Bottled Water Tested, Global Study Finds
How certain are you that you are drinking clean and safe water? More often than not, bottled water gives the impression of being pure and clean. But in reality, these products may not be as clean as you perceive them to be. Results of a global investigation revealed that the …
Dulse: Easy and Rich Source of Health Nutrients
Dulse is a well-known vegan superfood that thrives along the rocky shores. Commonly found in the Northern coastlines of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, the stem of this red algae attaches to rocks while the leaves float on the water’s surface. The Europeans have been eating dulse for over 1500 …
High-Fibre Diet Prevents Colon Polyps and Cancer
Colon cancer is considered to be the second leading cause of cancer deaths. In Europe and US alone, an estimated 180,000 new cases are diagnosed annually. Likewise, it is the second most common cancer among men and women in America. In fact, 15,253 new cases were recorded in 2014 alone. …
Legumes – A Top Secret to Becoming Healthy
If you’re looking for an inexpensive source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, and other essential nutrients, then legumes come very handy. You can choose from chickpeas, split peas, lentils, and all kinds of beans. But kidney beans, black beans, lentils, and pinto beans are definitely the richest source of these …
Cheese Can Cause Addiction. How True Is It?
Did you ever wonder why some foods seem more addictive than others? Some of you wouldn’t think twice about giving up, but it seems that your life is incomplete without others! A group of scientists conducted a study to identify the factors causing people to develop addictions to certain types …
Don’t Make Your Death Come Sooner. Stop Complaining Now!
We only live once. This is the rule which guides many millenials today as they continue to pursue their dreams and desires. And yes, it’s true! We only have one life, so it makes perfect sense to live it to the fullest and make the most out of it, right? …
Heart Attack: Save a life in just 60 seconds!
Cayenne pepper is one of the most potent herbs in existence according to the late Dr. Christopher, the leading natural healing and herbal therapy expert. Heart Attacks is among the leading causes of death Just the thought of you or anyone in the family having a heart attack is such …
Tincture: A Little Known Way to Save Hundreds of Dollars on Costly Medications
Extracting, preserving, and turning a plant into a tincture or a liquid medicine is one of the best and easiest ways to obtain the herb’s medicinal properties. Below are the two easy ways to make a tincture. The first formula requires the use of alcohol and the second one needs …
Revealed: Ketogenic Diet Could End in Disaster
In recent times, there has been a growing hype about keto diet and its effectiveness in reversing diabetes as well as in promoting weight loss. But the question is, does it really work? Every year there’s a new fad diet, and just like all the others, keto promises impressive health …
Stop Paying So Much For Your Over-the-Counter Medications. Get Echinacea Now!
Now that autumn is here and winter will soon follow, it is a perfect time to harvest some handy and useful herbs like Echinacea. If you prepare them now, they will be ready for you to take when the cold weather illnesses start threatening the health of you and your …
How the dosing works
We often get asked about the dosing suggestions. If you ordered any of our programs such as the 5 day detoxes, the directions have already been emailed to you. If you did and did not receive the directions, please reply and we will get your squared away. If you ordered a …
Top 10 Revolutionary Herbal Tips to Rejuvenate Your Hair
Healthy food, healthy hair… A seemingly forgotten fact these days is that any disease which affects your body’s health is likewise going to have an effect on that of your hair. Hair and scalp problems are indicative of bodily problems, as a toxin-filled person is unable to carry nourishment to …
Shocking New Film Exposes Deadly CDC Deception
Because one of the films that was set to be screened in this year’s festival dared to investigate that one topic that apparently we aren’t allowed to discuss—even in countries that claim to have freedom of speech—VACCINE SAFETY.
Dr. Schulze, No Incurable Disease
Dr. Schulze gives an amazing talk at the Modern Manna Health and Healing Crusade. What an amazing presentation. This is something you do not want to miss. Part 1 Part 2
How Did This Deadly Toxin Find Its Way to Our Markets? (Aspartame)
“Last year I decided to do the right thing and try to rip off a bit of the weight that has crept up on me over the years. As well as dusting off my old push bike and increasing my physical activity, I made a few dietary changes. My wife …
Secrets of the Supplement Industry You Were Never Supposed to Know About.
Anyone interested in alternative medicine knows that, just like many other aspects of life, this field sees fads come and go. There is always the latest cure-all product that promises to save us from all our ailments and health defects if we just pop one in our mouth every day. …
25 Reasons Every First Aid Kit Should Include This Underrated Herb. Women, Take Note of #6.
25 Extraordinary Uses for Shepherd’s Purse often get asked, out of the millions of herbs growing on this Earth, what few I would choose to include in my herbal home first aid kit. Well there are a few, but shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) is definitely one of them. If …
How to Stop Heartburn and Indigestion Naturally, Without Antacids
Put an end to heartburn and indigestion once and for all, without sacrificing your health! Do you struggle with constant bloating, stomach cramps, a constant raw feeling in your throat due to acid reflux, or embarrassing belching or wind? Do you dread lying down at the end of the day …
How To Stop The Cold And Flu Naturally, In Only 24 Hours
The Number One Problem with Winter: My wife is a teacher, and every day, is surrounded by children who share their germs around freely…and let me tell you, in the winter months, there is a whole lot of sharing going on! As soon as the cold weather hits, so do …
10 Steps to Effectively Treat Ebola Naturally
If you are like most people and pay at least some attention to the media, you have no doubt heard countless news reports over the last few weeks about the deadly Ebola virus. Media sensationalism and hyperbole aside, it sounds like a very scary disease, and one that I’m sure …
15 Reasons Why Stinging Nettle Is An Amazing Plant
They Thought Aunt Agnes Was Crazy For Whipping Herself With This Weed. Until… Most of us grow up hating stinging nettle. I’m sure, thinking back to our childhood, we have all experienced the pain it can inflict, when playing happily in the yard, our skin brushed against this plant, and …
18 Powerful Ways to Treat Burns Naturally–Even the Most Serious
18 Powerful Ways to Naturally Treat Any Burn At Home, Get Great Results And Avoid Ugly Skin Grafts Burns. They hurt when we get them and they hurt even more when they’re healing. We all know that applying cold—be it an insulated packet of frozen peas or cold water—to the area is …
Secrets of the Supplement Industry You Were Never Supposed to Know About.
Anyone interested in alternative medicine knows that, just like many other aspects of life, this field sees fads come and go. There is always the latest cure-all product that promises to save us from all our ailments and health defects if we just pop one in our mouth every day. …