We often get asked about the dosing suggestions. If you ordered any of our programs such as the 5 day detoxes, the directions have already been emailed to you. If you did and did not receive the directions, please reply and we will get your squared away.
If you ordered a tincture bottle you will notice on the label the directions will say, “take 2 droppers full 2 to 4 times a day in 30ml of water”. This is the average dose.
2 times a day would be a maintenance dose for a healthy person. 4 times a day would be a therapeutic dose if you are not feeling so well. You can even go up to 8 times a day to kick start your body into high gear. These are foods and not medications. Our formulae are always safe.
If you are unsure about an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients, place a few drops on the back of your hand and see if you get a reaction. That’s the simplest way to tell without compromising anything.
The main question we always get asked is, “what is a dropperful”.
A dropperful is aprox. 30 drops. It is one full squeeze of the bulb and whatever is sucked up into the tube from that. It looks about ½ way up the tube. 2 droppers full is also about ¼ of a teaspoon.
Taking this in a bit of purified water is easiest but not the only way to take it. You can add it into your juice, in a smoothie, on your meal, directly in your mouth or any other way you need to take it to get it down.
Some of the formulae have capsicum in them and are a bit hot. These are best when diluted.
Animal Dosages
Many people purchase our herbs for their animals and never know what dose to give them. All our herbs are safe for your animals.
The dosages for animals is based on weight. The dosage on the label is for an average adult that weighs 68k or 150 lbs.
We divide the weight of the animal by the average weight to start our conversion. Then take that number and divide it by the adult dose.
Let me explain:
- Your dog weighs 10k. Divide 68 by 10 which is 6.8
- 2 droppersfull is apox. 60 drops.
- Divide 60 by 6.8 which is 8.8.
- Your dose for your dog 9 drops (little more is always better than a little less) 2-4 times a day.
Dosages for children
All our herbs are safe for children. Follow the allergy test above and follow the weight based dosage that was given for the animals above. If you purchased specific product for infants, toddlers or children, such as our super kid-e, tummy calm or Colon Detox #3 the directions on the label are specific to their doses.
Can I combine products?
Herbs work synergistically together. This is why certain herbs are used in a formula. Each herb works with its compatible partner for optimal results. It is always best to take your doses about 20 minutes apart. That allows the herbs to interact with each other in the best possible way.
If you are in a hurry or you work all day and can’t seem to get all the dosages from the different products to fit into your schedule, then here is an easy solution.
Taking the herbs all together is better than not taking any.
You can mix your whole day’s doses together in your drink bottle of purified water and then sip on that water all throughout the day. Let’s not complicate things. The goal is to JUST GET THEM DOWN.
Comments 12
Please send me more information about how long it might take to work
Desprately want to buy some of this! Please!Annalise Esbach
Interested in this in regards to BP
I prefer a try out of 3 bottles without any commitment to have any more delivered. Is this available?
Where can I purchase and cost pls
what is the shelf life on this products?
10 years
This Turmeric in particular really stick to any glass or cup I use.
I ask, is there any danger this could affect teeth, color, enamel or anything related to a beautiful smile and oral hygiene?
It is not an issue.
How about drinking coffee or eating afterward?
Not to worry
Interested for myself and my small Chihuahuas