Secrets of the Supplement Industry You Were Never Supposed to Know About.

Anyone interested in alternative medicine knows that, just like many other aspects of life, this field sees fads come and go. There is always the latest cure-all product that promises to save us from all our ailments and health defects if we just pop one in our mouth every day. AND WE ALL FALL FOR IT, including me, because we humans are inherently lazy creatures, always looking for the easy way.

Don’t waste thousands of dollars anymore.

I always thought it was far easier to pop a pill or potion than to reassess my life and look at how I could improve my lifestyle and nutrition.

Not only can these fads and gimmicks do very little to help our health and cost us a lot of money, they can actually be counter-intuitive, and DAMAGE our health. These products often contain large quantities of trace elements that our body only needs in very tiny amounts, and when we ingest too much of these, it can throw out our body chemistry. Most of these products contain inorganic elements (i.e. elements that are not plant-based and unable to be used effectively by the body) as it is far cheaper than using good quality, food-based vitamins and minerals. Because your body is unable to use these inorganic elements, however, it often stores them away, leading to a range of health problems.

 Hard truths of the supplement industry!

As more and more people are becoming increasingly concerned about their health, more and more people are popping vitamin supplements. However, have you ever wondered where the vitamins and minerals in heath products come from? If you assumed they came from food or anything actually natural, THINK AGAIN!

In fact, you have to dig very deep to find the source of many commercial vitamins and minerals, as they are so horrifying that the vitamin companies do their best to HIDE them from you! There are some somewhat more benign ingredients you will most likely be told they contain:

  • Starch
  • Cellulose
  • Soy
  • Lactose
  • Wheat

But many others you are purposely left in the dark about—and if you think they are sourced from ground up fruits, vegetables and grains, you are sadly mistaken!

Many who regularly consume supplements do so because they see it as an alternative to the pharmaceutical industry—but the disgusting fact is, many commercial vitamins and minerals are made from the same beginning that many drugs are made from:

  • Petroleum by-products
  • Coal tar
  • Ground rocks, stones, shells and metals
  • Animal by-products

These are then sold wholesale to the different vitamin companies who are the middlemen, and in many cases, don’t even know what their products are made of. People just assume that because a vitamin is a vitamin and a mineral is a mineral, they are good for your health.

So what is in the vitamins and minerals that so many of us like to take?

The table below shows some common vitamins that many of us supplement in our diets, along with some HORRIFYING information about where each is commonly sourced from on a commercial basis:

A·         The juices of fish livers, which are filled with mercury and other toxic substances.
B12·         Ground up cow livers, which are filled with pesticides, antibiotics and other toxins consumed by the cow.
·         Cyanide used in the formation of this vitamin
·         Produced from petrochemicals—known to be carcinogenic
Other B vitamins·         Contain ingredients such as petrochemicals, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde and sulphuric acid
Ascorbic Acid·         Note: I write ‘Ascorbic Acid’, as, contrary to popular belief, this substance is not the same as Vitamin C, but rather, an artificially-reduced form of Vitamin C.
·         Contains acetone, hydrochloric acid, and cornstarch which is usually genetically-modified.
D·         Irradiated oils, usually sourced from animal fats or cattle brains
E·         Trimethylhydroquinone with isophytol, and refined oils
K·         Contains petrochemicals. The Vitamin K shot given to newborns at birth also contains aluminium as a preservative.

You wouldn’t eat a rock, would you?

The same goes for minerals! Nearly all commercial minerals are basically just rocks or dirt, and inorganic forms of the mineral, which our body is unable to assimilate. In fact, it is estimated that for many minerals, the absorption rate is UNDER 1%! That’s why, for example, the vitamin K shot (which is a synthetic form of the vitamin) that infants are given shortly after birth has around 20,000 times the vitamin K that a baby’s body needs!

As well as harming your body, this can hurt your hip pocket in a big way, as you are paying for nothing!

Any normal person would think it was CRAZY to try to eat an iron fence, but taking most iron supplements is akin to that because the minerals you take in your daily supplements, and in your tap water, are just that: tiny bits of minerals.

The table below shows some minerals we commonly supplement in our diet, and what other uses the synthetic or ground-up rock forms of these minerals (which is the form they appear in commercial supplements) have.

Warning–this may scare you!

Mineral:Uses of the synthetic form:
Calcium Carbonate·         Comes from the rock called malachite.
·         Used in the manufacture of paint, plastics, rubbers, insecticides and inks.
Copper Sulphate·         Used as a drain cleaner.
Iron·         Comes from the rock called melanterite.
·         Used as a fertiliser, weed-killer and pesticide
Magnesium Chloride·         Used as an additive in glue and an ingredient in cement
Zinc Oxide·         Comes from the rock called zincite.
·         Used as a pigment in white paints, as well as in rapid-set concrete.

Most store bought supplements can do more harm than good.

In fact, a study of 38,772 women from the USA demonstrated that women who took synthetic vitamins containing ground-up rock minerals were more likely to die sooner than those who did not supplement their diet with them! (Mursu J., et al.  Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rate in Older Women. The Iowa Women’s Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(18):1625-1633)

So why do commercial vitamin companies use inorganic materials in their supplements? Well, firstly, because they can—most people taking such supplements do so because they are under the illusion that they are helping their health, having no idea that they are actually harming themselves! Secondly, of course, because it’s cheaper for them.

Most Natural Health Practitioners use inferior supplements.

Pretty much all of the natural health practitioners or naturopaths use these same types of supplements on all of their patients. As I sit in the back seat of forums and groups for the natural health industry I see all of the ‘health experts’ promoting, giving advice on, and telling each other about the same vitamin supplements made by the same huge corporations. Mostly out of China.

So what should we do? We all know that we need a range of vitamins and minerals in our diets, but the reality for most of us is that we are just not going to get this solely from the food we eat.

The proper way it works in nature is that the plant roots suck up the tiny bits of rocks like iron, and copper, boran, zinc etc.. Then through a process called biological transmutation, the plants turn these little specs of dirt into its genetic structure.


If you ate a pure organic and raw fresh fruits vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes at 2 major serving of the day. You might get all of your vitamins. If you ate this from super market you would not get close. The soil these days are under nourished and fertilizers are over used.

Eureka Wellness’s Mountain Nutrition is a perfectly-balanced blend of foods, designed to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. Unlike commercial vitamin and mineral supplements, Mountain Nutrition is a food-based product, which your body is able to assimilate successfully 100% in just 15 MINUTES! And unlike most other food-based supplements, it doesn’t contain fillers, which gives you value for money!

Think of it as a big healthy salad filled with everything your body needs to operate in peak condition, all dehydrated and shrunk down into a concentrated powder for you to take. Mixing the powder in a cup of water or a delicious smoothie, Mountain Nutrition can provide you with over and above your daily vitamin and mineral needs. Containing no animal products, it is a wonderful way for vegans and vegetarians to achieve full health too.

What sets our vitamin supplement apart from the rest?

A lot of companies tell you that their products should be held in high-esteem, claiming their nutrition drinks or powders contains a wide spectrum of whole-foods. They will make the pitch that their product offers all the nutrients your body needs, in a single dose that can be easily-absorbed.

However, what they fail to mention is that their products contain a lot of fillers such as rice bran, silica, brown rice, and soy lecithin. (Go ahead, look)

These fillers help the big companies to rake in more money, and cause you to lose out! This is a big secret that is hidden from the consumer like you.

These ingredients are there, not for their nutritional value (in fact, their nutritional value is very low), but to add weight and bulk-up the products, making them go further, and basically to water-down the vitamin-dense (and more-expensive) ingredients!

While these products are still far superior to vitamin supplements, simply because they are food-based and can be assimilated by the body, I am sure you want a product that gives you more bang for your buck, nutritionally speaking—a product in which every single speck of powder is working hard to make you a healthier version of you!

Our Mountain Nutrition is purely 100% food and every ingredient in it is carefully designed to offer you the highest amount of nutrition possible from some of the most nutrient-dense plants on Earth.
Mountain Nutrition contains the following ingredients:

  • Barley and Wheat Grass: rich in chlorophyll, along with a range of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to promote good health.
  • Spirulina Blue-Green Algae: the most highly-concentrated nutritious food known to man! This has 3 times the amount of protein compared to red meat by weight.
  • Beetroot, Nettle leaf and Spinach leaf: wonderful blood cleansers and sources of iron, calcium and vitamin K in forms your body is able to assimilate. Assists in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, is a natural diuretic, which can help to detoxify the body. Nettle leaf is a blood purifier, is full of chlorophyll and his high in iron. The trio’s are an extremely powerful blood builder.
  • Alfalfa leaf: one of the few foods containing vitamin D, alfalfa is also rich in chlorophyll and a range of other beneficial vitamins such as vitamin K, minerals and enzymes.
  • Dulse leaf: a type of seaweed which has the richest assimilable minerals known to man!
  • Acerola cherry, rosehip, orange and lemon peel: very high sources of  natural Vitamin C, and able to remove heavy metals and radioactive contamination from the body. With these you get the entire vitamin C complex. Not just ascorbic acid.
  • Nutritional Yeast: Not Actually a plant, but still a living organism and the richest source of B vitamins, high in protein, and contains all 18 amino acids. As it is deactivated, it is perfectly safe for those with Candida problems.

It’s not quantity but quality.

Keep in mind that how many milligrams of each vitamin or mineral supplement you take is irrelevant: what really matters is how much of what you are ingesting is able to get into your bloodstream to feed and nourish your cells.

Unlike other supplements, our Mountain Nutrition is FULLY ASSIMILABLE—just as you cannot overdose on vitamins and minerals when eating a salad, you cannot take too much of this product—your body will simply excrete any more than it needs, without the toxic side effects of many other vitamin supplements. However, you are most likely depleted in these and your body is craving every one of these.

So if you find the truth about the health supplement industry to be as horrifying as I do, try some Mountain Nutrition and feel the difference. Your body will thank you for it!

Get Superior Nutrition Today!